Their Lives Matter, Inc © 2025

United for the voiceless, passionate and devoted to the neglected. Their lives matter!

We are a non profit 501 (c) 3 animal rescue. We are not breed specific , we save where we are needed , and where time and funds allow. Over the last three years , we have pulled and saved from high kill Miami Dade Animal Services, Clay County, Putnam County, OCAS (Orlando) , Hillsborogh County, as well as Halifax, Daytona and even most recently from Baltimore , Maryland .

We rely on donations, volunteers, adopters and foster homes – we cannot save them alone. We are living our dream of running a rescue, and saving one life at a time. We strive to speak for the helpless, the neglected, the abused, the throw aways, the death row shelter dogs and of course the seniors that no one seems to want any longer.

Teamwork saves lives . Connecting the dots in this horrible world of lost souls and upholding one another in our mission , saves lives. One by one , until they all have a home.

 Teamwork is not just who puts on a shirt and attends an event……. There are so many who contribute to our cause. From transporters – vets – fosters – adopters -people who donate – trainers and boarding facilities, the list continues. Anyone can be a Rescue Sister!

Their Lives Matter